Research at the Archive

Policies and Procedures
The Santa Bárbara Mission Archive-Library is a research and educational non-profit institution dedicated to the collection and preservation of, and access to, historical and cultural resources pertaining to Franciscan history and Missions and the communities they interacted with, especially in Colonial New Spain, Northwestern Mexico, and the Southwestern United States.
Due to our limited hours and staffing constraints, access to SBMAL’s collections is by appointment only and all researchers must register. Becoming a Registered Researcher for a single project, involving no more than two in-person visits to the Archive-Library costs $30, or if a student with a current student ID, becoming a Registered Student Researcher is free, though donations will be happily accepted!
Registered Student Researcher Donors -- We are always in need of those who can help us keep student research free. Those who donate more than $100 for the purpose of supporting our Registered Student Researcher program will automatically be considered GOOD FRIENDS of the Archive-Library.
General Access Guidelines
All researchers must be a Registered Researcher, or a member of the Friends of the Archive-Library. Your membership will help us continue to provide access to this unique collection of historical material and to continue our conservation efforts.
Click Here to become a Registered Researcher
Click Here to become a Friend of the Archive-Library
Researchers must have read this entire document and agree to abide by all guidelines and procedures outlined herein. Access to resources is facilitated at the discretion of the staff and may be revoked by the Director, who has the right to refuse research privileges to anyone at any time. Any questions about anything contained in this document should be discussed with SBMAL staff prior to accessing the archive-library. Please email and allow up to 3 business days for a reply
Research Protocol and Procedures
Briefcases, handbags, or similar items are not allowed in the Library Reading Room.
Only pencils are allowed in the Reading Room (no pens or wet media.)
Laptops, tablets, and phones are permitted in the Reading Room.
No food or drink is allowed in the library. (Water bottles with lids are okay, but must be kept away from materials.)
Use care in handling all research materials, especially those in fragile condition. Staff will instruct on the best way in which to handle requested materials.
Do not place anything on top of a research item.
We ask that you please wash your hands with soap and water upon arrival. Clean hands are sufficient for handling most paper-based materials. Nitrile gloves are required for handling photographic materials and three-dimensional ephemera, and will be provided by staff as needed.
Discourteous or disruptive behavior is not permitted and may result in loss of access privileges.
On-site personal copying of materials by scanning devices, photography, camcorders, cell phone cameras, and similar instruments is only allowed at the discretion of SBMAL staff for personal use only. Any materials obtained in this manner are not allowed to be published unless SBMAL’s Application for Permission to Reproduce for Publication form is completed and approved by staff.
Many materials are under copyright. Duplication and use of such items is subject to copyright protection. It is the researcher’s responsibility to determine the current copyright holder and any clarification of rights specific to the material in question.
As an institution of Franciscan heritage, the Archive-Library adheres to the principles of Roman Catholic canon law. With regard to research, that means we are bound to adhere to the wishes of the donors of materials when they are known and to otherwise exercise all prudent care to preserve historical materials.
Requests for items to be scanned for a fee can be submitted to SBMAL staff. Requests are usually filled within a week, but occasionally may take longer depending on demand.
Costs for photographs and digital scans are available from the staff, on our website, and in this procedural guidebook. Duplication requests of more than 10 pages will be subject to a service fee. Please consult the staff for the current fee schedule and any minimum charges.
SBMAL staff does not provide genealogical research or translation assistance.
Extensive photo searches or consultations with the staff are subject to a research fee. Please consult the staff for the current fee schedule and any minimum charges.
If your research in SBMAL leads to an academic degree or publication wherein you cite any SBMAL holdings, please provide us a copy of the thesis, dissertation, or publication.
Permission to photograph or film on-site at SBMAL for publication must be scheduled in advanced and approved by the Executive Director. Please direct those inquires to Permission to photograph or film on other Mission Santa Barbara property must be arranged with Old Mission Santa Barbara staff; please submit your request directly with them, here. Note: The SBMAL and Old Mission Santa Barbara are separate, independent nonprofit organizations. We are located on the same property, but our policies and procedures are different from one another. Permission granted from one organization does not automatically grant permission at the other.
Fee Schedule for Reproduction Services & Remote Research Assistance
The Santa Bárbara Mission Archive-Library fees for the reproduction of their collections are as follows. Please allow at least 10 business days for all requests to be fulfilled, otherwise a rush fee may be incurred. For more information about use fees or if you have any questions, please email or call 805 682-4713 ext. 131.
Standard Fee Schedule
Digital Scan, First image (high quality): $25
Each additional image for same request: $20
Use fee, academic & non-profit, per image: $15
Reference copies (for personal research only) are available as PDFs of collections materials at $0.75/page for Friends of SBMAL and Registered Researchers. Non-Friends and those with single requests are subject to $1.00/page.
Remote Research Assistance
Researchers who wish to access the materials in SBMAL’s collection virtually should fill out this form and a member of SBMAL staff will get back to you as soon as possible. Staff will assess a service fee to the researcher for staff time and resources.
Friends of SBMAL: 1st hour free, and $40 per hour afterwards at half-hour increments.
Others: $50 per hour – minimum one hour, then increments of an hour after that.
Additional Fee Details
All rates are for one-time use only.
Fees for films, television, or advertisements use will be double the rates above.
Commercial usage is subject to additional approval, at quadruple the rates above.
Prices do not include sales tax.
Research fees will be in addition to any/all incurred fees for copies, scans, shipping, etc.
Folks who are members of Native American communities may have these fees waived upon request.
Providing these reproductions does not imply permission to publish the items. Requests for reproduction for publication must be filed separately using the form below titled Application for Permission to Reproduce Materials for Publication. Approved publication requests are subject to the conditions outlined on the next few pages.
Hours and Appointments
Appointments are on a first come/first served bases and must be scheduled in advance. An appointment is not booked until a member has written to confirm the date with you.
The Archive-Library is open for appointments on most Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 10:00am to 4:00pm. We are closed on federal holidays and other occasions. Please inquire with SBMAL staff directly for changes to our schedule.
To make an appointment, please fill out this form. If you are coming from out of town, we recommend that you do not make travel arrangements until your appointment has been confirmed.
Masks are not required but you are welcome to wear one if you wish. We ask that you please reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing any cold- or flu-like symptoms or have recently been exposed to COVID-19.
Full Procedural Guidelines for the Santa Bárbara Mission Archive-Library
Refer to this document for our full guidelines for researchers, to request digital scans, and to request images for reproductions in publications. All people who access SBMAL materials are subject to these policies. Please connect with SBMAL staff for any questions regarding this policies.